Year Eight, Perfume Packaging in Graphic Design
Lesson One:
Objective: Can I evaluate which adverts are more successful than others, based on the graphics alone?
Which perfume package would YOU purchase, just by looking at the adverts.
Examining and Re-creating Successful Adverts
1. Find different perfume packages you own and bring them to class.
2. In your pairs or groups, choose three packages that you think are really successful, and three you think are not successful.
3. In your pairs or groups, discuss reasons why you think those covers are or are not successful, and what you think makes them successful.
4. Discuss with the class, showing examples of your chosen adverts.
5. On your own, choose the packaging you think is the least successful package. In your advert notes, write a paragraph including the name of which package you've chosen and the reasons why you don't think it is successful.
Be sure to put your name, date and title (examining perfume packaging adverts) on the top of your page.
6. In another paragraph, explain in detail, what you could do to improve the cover to make it more successful and eye-catching. Make sure you use examples to support your reasons!
7. On the bottom half of your work, re-draw the cover with the improvements you've suggested in the above paragraph and make the packaging successful.
Use coloured pencils only! Outline all of your pencil marks!
8. Be sure your work is presented NEATLY before you hand it in.
1. Find different perfume packages you own and bring them to class.
2. In your pairs or groups, choose three packages that you think are really successful, and three you think are not successful.
3. In your pairs or groups, discuss reasons why you think those covers are or are not successful, and what you think makes them successful.
4. Discuss with the class, showing examples of your chosen adverts.
5. On your own, choose the packaging you think is the least successful package. In your advert notes, write a paragraph including the name of which package you've chosen and the reasons why you don't think it is successful.
Be sure to put your name, date and title (examining perfume packaging adverts) on the top of your page.
6. In another paragraph, explain in detail, what you could do to improve the cover to make it more successful and eye-catching. Make sure you use examples to support your reasons!
7. On the bottom half of your work, re-draw the cover with the improvements you've suggested in the above paragraph and make the packaging successful.
Use coloured pencils only! Outline all of your pencil marks!
8. Be sure your work is presented NEATLY before you hand it in.
Lesson Two:
Objective: Can I create a reflective, observation about these companies and who their targeted audience is, judging by the packaging and bottles of these five perfumes?
Successful Packaging?
Observational Response
1. List the different perfume packages you see above, as well as yours and your groups examples from home.
2. What is the first thing that grabbed your attention about the graphics used on each package? Explain in detail.
3. What are the similarities and the differences between the packages' graphics? Explain your answers in detail.
4. Which case was most effective and why? Explain your answers in detail.
5. Who is the audience for your most effective package? How do you know? Explain in detail.
6. What is the purpose of these graphics? (Persuade, Entertain, Inform, Sell)? How do you know? Explain in detail.
7. Which case was the least effective and why? Explain in detail.
8. What could be done differently to the least effective case to make it more effective graphically? What would help the AUDIENCE become more interested in purchasing this product? Explain your answers in detail.
1. List the different perfume packages you see above, as well as yours and your groups examples from home.
2. What is the first thing that grabbed your attention about the graphics used on each package? Explain in detail.
3. What are the similarities and the differences between the packages' graphics? Explain your answers in detail.
4. Which case was most effective and why? Explain your answers in detail.
5. Who is the audience for your most effective package? How do you know? Explain in detail.
6. What is the purpose of these graphics? (Persuade, Entertain, Inform, Sell)? How do you know? Explain in detail.
7. Which case was the least effective and why? Explain in detail.
8. What could be done differently to the least effective case to make it more effective graphically? What would help the AUDIENCE become more interested in purchasing this product? Explain your answers in detail.
Lesson Three:
Objective: How can I create a 3-Dimensional Shape using one-point perspective? Can I render my shape to give it more depth?
Reflect On Your Previous Knowledge: Drawing Using One Point Perspective
a) Draw the vanishing point and first object as a 2-Dimensional Figure.
b) Join the corners of the shape to your vanishing point using light lines.
c) Complete your perspective drawing by connecting all your lines through the vanishing point.
Check your perspective, where would the next lines need to go in order to make your shape take a 3-Dimensional Form?
d) Practice drawing other shapes using one-point perspective.
Refer to worksheet:
Shading and Rendering in Graphics:
Why is it important to render your drawings?
What is tonal rendering? The transition of patterns of light and dark in the object into the tonal range of the image, beginning with the values. "Gradual soft blending of dark and light areas together".
What is tonal rendering? The transition of patterns of light and dark in the object into the tonal range of the image, beginning with the values. "Gradual soft blending of dark and light areas together".
Using Your Perspective and Rendering Activities and Exmples In Class:
Draw Your Name in One-Point Perspective, and Render Your Letters Using The Vanish Point as Your Light Source.
*Rendering Using Coloured Pencil:
Does your work look like this?
Lesson Four:
Objective: Am I able to collaborate with another person in the same way a professional graphic designer would, in order to research and create the best possible design I can for my perfume package?
Begin thinking about the theme of your perfume case, and what you would like to design.
Collaborate with a partner using the following worksheets to help you complete your work. You are real designers now, time to start thinking like one!
Collaboration becomes one of the most important things in today's world. In any business, graphics, product design, marketing field etc... You must learn to collaborate and share your thoughts and listen to the ideas of others. They say that two brains are better than one... a team effort is what makes these products so marketable and successful!
Collaborate with a partner using the following worksheets to help you complete your work. You are real designers now, time to start thinking like one!
Collaboration becomes one of the most important things in today's world. In any business, graphics, product design, marketing field etc... You must learn to collaborate and share your thoughts and listen to the ideas of others. They say that two brains are better than one... a team effort is what makes these products so marketable and successful!
Lesson Five:
Objective: Do I understand the difference between an element and principle of art? Why are these two components so important to creating a composition in my design?
Perfume Packaging - Layout or Composition
What is layout/composition?
Composition or layout is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art or a photograph, as distinct from the subject of a work. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art. (
Composition or layout is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art or a photograph, as distinct from the subject of a work. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art. (
Elements of Art:
Texture Form Space Shape Colour Value Line |
Principles of Art:
Movement Unity Harmony Variety Balance Contrast Proportion Pattern |
Go to this link:
Observe the compositions on this page and think about the questions made on the posts.
Observe the compositions on this page and think about the questions made on the posts.
Designing Your Own Compositions!
Lesson Six:
Objective: Can I appropriate the knowledge I have learned about perfume packaging, marketing and design to create my own perfume package in one-point perspective?
2. Draw a one-point perspective of your perfume box and design it.
Keep in mind the composition and layout.
Use examples of your favourite perfume packages for additional inspiration for your designs. KEEP IT SIMPLE!
Keep in mind the composition and layout.
Use examples of your favourite perfume packages for additional inspiration for your designs. KEEP IT SIMPLE!
Lesson Seven:
Objective: Do I understand why tessellations are important in graphics; not only for production value but also in design packaging?
What is a tessellation?
A tessellation is a pattern which repeats itself using shapes which do not overlap, fit perfectly together, and can be symmetrical.
We use tessellations in maths, arts, tiling and creating floor/wall plans, design and so much more!
What is a tessellation?
A tessellation is a pattern which repeats itself using shapes which do not overlap, fit perfectly together, and can be symmetrical.
We use tessellations in maths, arts, tiling and creating floor/wall plans, design and so much more!
When would you use tessellations in your manufactoring methods?
Why is it important to use this method to mark out multiple net design patterns?
When would you use tessellations in your manufactoring methods?
Why is it important to use this method to mark out multiple net design patterns?
Let's Put It To Practice!!!
a) Draw a 10cm by 10cm square on a blank sheet of paper.
b) Think about different patterns, colours and shapes. How do tessellations in graphics and visual arts compare to maths?
c) In a mathematical sense, how do these shapes reflect (flip)? tranlate (slide)? rotate (turn)?
d) Create your own tessellation in your 10cm by 10cm square using the above images as inspiration.
e) Be sure to use ONLY two- three colours and outline your shapes neatly.
Lesson Eight:
Objective: How can I create my own, SUCCESSFUL, perfume package design based on my previous lessons, research and knowledge?
Making Inferences
Designing Your Own Perfume Packages
Using the information studied over the course of the term. In One-Point Perspective (Refer to the GRAPHICS LINK for reminders), create FOUR ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE Perfume Package SHAPES. Be sure to leave your vanishing point lines in, and rub out the lines within your shapes.
Create FOUR of YOUR OWN ORIGINAL designs, using your choice of colours, fonts
and style (make each example different) for either a MADE-UP BY YOU for your perfume package .
*REMEMBER: PRESENTATION IS IMPORTANT!!! Be sure to present your work NEATLY, colour your images in COMPLETELY and NEATLY using coloured pencils ONLY! Only use marker to OUTLINE your pencil marks. Be sure your Font is READABLE TO THE AUDIENCE and you experiment and take risks!
Consider Your Designs
Always Ask Yourself... Why?
Whether you are creating a product for a well-known company, or simply creating something for yourself, you must always be aware of the choices you are making.
When creating your designs, ask yourself:
-- What images or words represent what I am trying to portray/say?
-- What colours help me to express this idea? Which colours have I chosen to work together and why?
-- Does my font and text-style match the images and colour?
-- Is my design convincing, imaginative and unique?
-- Can my audience tell what the product is and who the product is for?
When creating your designs, ask yourself:
-- What images or words represent what I am trying to portray/say?
-- What colours help me to express this idea? Which colours have I chosen to work together and why?
-- Does my font and text-style match the images and colour?
-- Is my design convincing, imaginative and unique?
-- Can my audience tell what the product is and who the product is for?
Lesson Nine:
Objective: Can I market my product successfully to my audience?
Design Survey. How Well Have You Done?
Through Product Analysis, researchers, consultants, managers, and designers must go through their designs and ideas several times, and create new improvements, in order for their products to be MOST SUCCESSFUL.
Designers need their work critiqued and assessed by multiple people of multiple jobs and backgrounds, in order to know what the public wants and is looking for.
1. Copy down the following three charts on graph paper, without filling out the survey information. Leave blank spaces to write the names of 4-6 of your classmates in the top chart.
2. Go into your randomly selected groups, and show each of your designs to the other members. Have them tell you which design they think is most successful and check it under the appropriate box.
3. Ask one of your fellow group members about your best-voted design. What did they like most about it?
4. When you have completed the top chart for all of your designs, fill in the data in your bar-graph.
Do Your Own Design Research!!!!
Think back to your Perfume Adverts, what makes an advert successful?
a) What is product analysis?
b) Why must designers investigate existing products?
c) What do they do with the information they gain from analysis?
d) How do they use this information?
4. In your own words, explain in detail using full sentences, one paragraph:
Why is it important to design a product?
Designers need their work critiqued and assessed by multiple people of multiple jobs and backgrounds, in order to know what the public wants and is looking for.
1. Copy down the following three charts on graph paper, without filling out the survey information. Leave blank spaces to write the names of 4-6 of your classmates in the top chart.
2. Go into your randomly selected groups, and show each of your designs to the other members. Have them tell you which design they think is most successful and check it under the appropriate box.
3. Ask one of your fellow group members about your best-voted design. What did they like most about it?
4. When you have completed the top chart for all of your designs, fill in the data in your bar-graph.
Do Your Own Design Research!!!!
Think back to your Perfume Adverts, what makes an advert successful?
a) What is product analysis?
b) Why must designers investigate existing products?
c) What do they do with the information they gain from analysis?
d) How do they use this information?
4. In your own words, explain in detail using full sentences, one paragraph:
Why is it important to design a product?
Assessing Your Designs, Are you producing your BEST work!?
Year 8
Lesson Ten:
Objective: How can I improve the work of my designs by using digital technology?
Part One:
Re-creating your design in graphical form (refer to TECHSOFT tutorial for helpful information)
Using Photoshop and Techsoft 2d Design V2, TRANSFER your hand-drawn works into a graphic design.
When your digital designs are complete, save them under "Graphics8-your name", and send them to the postbox.
Re-creating your design in graphical form (refer to TECHSOFT tutorial for helpful information)
Using Photoshop and Techsoft 2d Design V2, TRANSFER your hand-drawn works into a graphic design.
When your digital designs are complete, save them under "Graphics8-your name", and send them to the postbox.
Part Two:
Now You've Digitized Your Design: Develop It!
Complete your designs, making two changes to your BEST design.
Explain in detail what those changes are and why you've made them.
Lesson Eleven:
Objective: Can I incorporate all of the elements of my design into a 3-Dimensional Net, including additional packaging information?
Making Your Perfume Net, Finalizing Your Designs
Lesson Twelve:
Objective: Have I designed a successful, marketable package for my perfume?
Personal Design- Assessing Your Work
On a blank sheet of paper, write the title (Personal Design Questions), your name and the date at the top of the page. Answer the questions IN DETAIL, using EXAMPLES to SUPPORT your thoughts. Answers MUST be writting in FULL SENTENCES, be mindful of your spelling and grammar, and submit
work NEATLY.
1) Who is the audience you are designing your Perfume packages for?
2) What did you do to create your design for that specific audience?
3) Which of the four reasons of advertising, (Sell, Inform, Entertain, Persuade), did you think about when creating your designs?
4) What colours did you choose to include in your design? Why did you chose those colours?
5) Describe in detail, what you chose to do for your design.
6) What symbols or images were used in your design?
6b) What do they represent?
6c) Do they relate to your perfume package?
7) Which font style did you include, and why?
7b) Do you think your font choice was the best for your product? Why or why not?
7c) Did you include any slogans or catchy-phrases to persuade your audience to buy your product? If so, what did you create and
8) Which Elements and Principles' of Art did you include in your designs? Why did you choose to focus on these components through
your perfume design?
9) Do you think your final 3-Dimensional design is successful? (Would this design help you sell your product if you were
trying to sell it?) Why or why not.
Objective: Have I designed a successful, marketable package for my perfume?
Personal Design- Assessing Your Work
On a blank sheet of paper, write the title (Personal Design Questions), your name and the date at the top of the page. Answer the questions IN DETAIL, using EXAMPLES to SUPPORT your thoughts. Answers MUST be writting in FULL SENTENCES, be mindful of your spelling and grammar, and submit
work NEATLY.
1) Who is the audience you are designing your Perfume packages for?
2) What did you do to create your design for that specific audience?
3) Which of the four reasons of advertising, (Sell, Inform, Entertain, Persuade), did you think about when creating your designs?
4) What colours did you choose to include in your design? Why did you chose those colours?
5) Describe in detail, what you chose to do for your design.
6) What symbols or images were used in your design?
6b) What do they represent?
6c) Do they relate to your perfume package?
7) Which font style did you include, and why?
7b) Do you think your font choice was the best for your product? Why or why not?
7c) Did you include any slogans or catchy-phrases to persuade your audience to buy your product? If so, what did you create and
8) Which Elements and Principles' of Art did you include in your designs? Why did you choose to focus on these components through
your perfume design?
9) Do you think your final 3-Dimensional design is successful? (Would this design help you sell your product if you were
trying to sell it?) Why or why not.