Alperton Community School, (ACS)
Learning Together and Caring for Each Other
Year 9
Creating Logos to Represent The Faculties and Departments
Students are to get into groups of 3 and choose from given list of subjects (Group A, Group B or Group C), which logo they would like to create.
Lesson Objective: Can I create a logo which properly reflects and represents the subject of the department I have chosen? Have I included all of the components of a logo? Is my logo MEMORABLE?
On a blank sheet of A2 paper:
Using PhotoShop:
Keep In Mind,
You Are Representing
Not Only The Subject You Have Chosen, But Also Your School!
Part Two: Create, Re-visit, Observe, Reflect!
Part Three: Revise, Edit, Improve, Inspire!
Is My Logo Recognizable? Is My Logo Memorable?
Departments and The 27 Subjects, Within Alperton Community School:
Presentation Is Important!
- Arts